Monday, May 18, 2015

Walking at night

Today was a miserable exercise in the futily of keeping dry. My phone died early and with no sun, I wasn't able to charge it. I hot about 5 miles down the road and it started raining again. I was at a bridge so stopped, and hid under for shelter. Not a good bridge, very steep and no really dry place. I spent the day there with no idea of the time nor when the storm would pass. I guessed it was about 6 when it was actually about 2, that I setup the tent and slept. I woke up to the sun at about 5, and decided to head out. I guess my solar charger got wet, because it didn't charge.i made it to a gas station and am eating and charging my phone. There is no place to camp, its either flooded or fenced. So now its getting dark, and yet ten miles to Alexandria. Btw the bug bite healed and is gone now.whew! I'm going to walk at night, but I have no choice. I have enough for a cheap motel if I can find one. Then shoes tomorrow, thanks to my family members for pulling together for this. Really awesome! Then on my way. Hopefully my night walk will be without incident.

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