Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Heading out soon

I've learned that squeezing every minute out of my civilized time (in a hotel), keeps me in better spirits longer. So I will be leaving at 12. I plan on stopping at WalMart on the way out as there wont be anything for the next 120 miles to Shreveport. And I'm really excited about the new shoes and seeing how far they get me. The weather outlook isn't great, but just have to play it by ear. Hopefully the rain will stay away so I can make some miles these next days. I tested my solar charger and its working again...whew! I was worried. It seems I start to getting down about every 10 days, and especially if I get rained on. There have been more flash floods this year than I can remember. My hope is by the time I get closer to north Texas that the mucho rain and tornados will be gone.

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