Sunday, May 10, 2015

I'm playing

Troll under the bridge again. It's early, but there's not much but private property the next several miles. This one is good. Kinda low hanging and there's four wheeler tracks but I feel a good vibe here. The only thing I hate about bridges are when realm heavy trucks go over. It sounds like the world is coming to an end and headed right for you. But this is ad close to a premo spot as I'm going to get. I grew up on tom Sawyer and Huck Finn books, and though I don't remember the stories, I do remember the feel and their essence. And if I was a country farm lovin guy, I would find this place beautiful and homey. I guess its the artist in me that is drawn to lake Powell. The clash of warm and cool, the antithesis of the water and the desert. I guess its the epitome of an oasis, but much larger. I don't know why, but it just draws me in and comforts me.

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