Monday, May 4, 2015

Morning has broken

I like waking up to the light of the morning and the sounds of the birds. Versus my alarm and a hasty exit. This is a good spot where I can sleep in. Not many of those. Of course sleeping in means laying about til 8 instead of 6, but that's my life now. I slept well. It wasn't as cold last night, and I really like having a blanket. Sleeping bags are not a long term solution for comfortable sleeping. And though I want to stay here all day and possibly another night, I wont. I will start getting anxious and then think about a nice icy soda, or need to charge my phone. There will be something that pushes me forward. Because, like it or not, the more distance I travel, the better I feel about my journey. Progress. And I like my weight loss program, and walking miles is a big part of that.

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