Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Well, AC anyway. And I made myself eat a combo meal because that lack of energy could be because of my crappy diet. Earlier I found a shade tree and sitting under it feeling just awful. My leg, but more so my lack of energy or motivation. I figured I had walked enough, and would nab the first good spot I could find. But before leaving, I needed a pick me up so I checked the mileage I had already walked. To my utter shock and disgust I had only walked 4.7 miles for the day! From the look of me, you would have though I just finished a marathon. More than anything though I was mad at myself for the piddly amount of miles. So I started walking with a purpose a little faster, chastising myself all the while. No idea where my spot will be tonight. But I will dream of cool waters in sure.

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