Friday, May 1, 2015


By the side of the road on what I call a pause area. Its a small unfinished driveway about 10 feet wide and allows me to rest without sitting on the grass. I slept well, despite waking up at 4 to do sit-ups, at which point it was very cold. The towel I bought helped, and I wore three shirts and my hoodie. Tonight I may set my alarm in anticipation of the cold to do some sit-ups in preparation. Once its about 11, the temp becomes bearable, but at 1, its back into the oven. I've been taking Benadryl for my cough, brought on by the cold, but the extra cold lately isn't helping. And those trucks blowing by create a nice cold windstorm that cause me to tense up. Energy drinks in the morning just taste like crap. But they are also necessary to get through the first couple of hours. Its motivation in a can. I feel like I'm at a null point in my walk where my current destination Hattiesburg just keeps getting further and further away. Pushing through is the only way to make it, but lately I'm just feeling tired after about 1. According to the current GPS reading, its 20 miles to the Hattiesburg library where I need use of a computer. Provided that it doesn't get further away, I can camp in town (hopefully), then hit the library, and that's if they are open on Saturday which I probably should look into. I'm hoping today brings me closer to my goal and some happy adventure.


  1. Sit-ups at 4:00 in the morning? Where's my son Tom? What did you do with him?
    So you switched the hot and bugs for cold? Watch out for that cough. BTW, if you're taking Benadryl it makes you tired. Can you switch to something else?
    Aunt Sally is coming tomorrow for a week. Time seems to fly - at least for those of us not walking across America. Please don't get over the amazement of what you're doing! Love you.

  2. It seems sometimes you leave your happy place behind....just sayin
