Friday, May 15, 2015

Stopped by

WalMart to get some essentials. Its a 5 mile hike thru Natchez to get to the river. I bought some vanilla extract and it seems to to a good job of keeping away the flies. Just a dab in each cheek. The only problem is I'm sweating so much, its not lasting long. I'm wearing a pair of shorts I started the walk with, and they are way too baggy. Its like walking in a bug heavy dress. So uncomfortable. I forgot to get ice, so will do that later. The drinks I got are still nice and cold. I'm walking in my sneakers, even with the holes. I'm not just ready to deal with the shin splints. Crossing the river is the coolest part of my day. After, its just a normal day on the road, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Its also, somewhat symbolic, and represents my leaving the east and entering the west. Louisiana is kinda middle ground I guess. I lived in new Orleans for about 6 months, years ago, so I don't feel I'm missing anything by taking the northern route. I guess I'm ready.

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