Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ten down

Ten to go. I live these farms and agricultural areas, lotsa wind. There's also less humidity. With the exception if that bug storm coming from Texas, today is going splendidly. The wind keep the gnats from pestering me, and though its hot, what's new. So many turtles committed suicide in the road today, that when I saw one about to jump into traffic, I crossed the road and moved him to safety. Some guy in a pickup stopped and told me to load my cart in the back. I said, I'm walking. For exercise? He asked. Walking across America I replied. He wished me luck and drove on. Happens alot. Ten more miles is a bridge where I'm stopping. Was considering doing some laundry today but may just buy a new shirt and shorts. They're getting very baggy. My Jerry rigged tire fixit job was a failure, so picked up some rubber off the side if the road, to try something else later. Bought another chicken 2pc for lunch. Breast and a wing. Tried to put a hurtin on it but didn't have it in me.

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