Sunday, May 17, 2015

The sun

Us shining, no clouds, and I'm ready for a great day. Since there is so much roadside population, homes, farms, and businesses; I am looking on my map app for bridges. There's one 21 miles away. Which means getting some good miles early on. If I can do 10 by noon, that's a good start. A bridge is no guarantee of a spot, but its a better chance than not. After that its 20 miles to Alexandria, but I wont go all that way. Need to prepare to enter the city. So I will get as close as I can tomorrow, do some shoe shopping, and get out NW for Shreveport. Feeling nostalgic here. I never lived north of new Orleans, but my first wife did, and I'm reminded of the good memories of our relationship. Makes me sad, but also happy, and its important to remember the happiness in your life. Thanks again Tesa for the donation of magnitudes of burritos! I'm fueled up, well fed and ready to go, just waiting for my phone to charge a little more. And enjoying the ac a little longer. Feeling thankful for good friends and family.

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