Tuesday, May 5, 2015

That hill

I've been seeing this hill up the road for the past 5 miles and its been causing me some concern. After all, if I can see it from 5 miles away, its gotta be a nice hike. But now that I'm here, I'm relieved that the past miles have been gradually leading up to it. Mississippi has a bad habit of throwing in a steep long hill when you least expect it, so this is a nice change. Earlier after finishing my blog post, a nice guy came up to me and we started talking. He was a Mennonite and wanted to share his belief with me. We talked for a bit. And I let him know that though I respected his belief, that I have my own walk with god and that I'm not ready to put labels on things. Nor will I be using the bible as a reference point. I know that god is with me. I don't know if its the Christian god, or what. But if he wants me to follow a particular doctrine, then he will show me the way. It's not important for me to have a name or a history. That's the way my intellect would prefer it, but not the path that's in front of me. After we spoke he gave me a few bucks and some tracts. It was a very nice conversation and a good way to spend some time in the shade.

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