Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sunny and nauseous

Woke up to the sunshine in my tent and the cars going by. As my battery wad dead the night before, I had no alarm in which to wake me. So I'm in my tent berating myself for sleeping in, before I was even fully awake. I walked up the street, and a few miles uphill and back in time to the 80s. This gas station had to have been popular then and except for coke in a glass bottle, was reminiscent of my childhood. Then I stopped at WalMart and picked up some Jerry rigging supplies to help my tire get through the next 300 miles. The rim, has a special attachment, so I'm just going to have to hope it holds. If the worst happens and the thing falls apart, I will just backpack the rest of the way. Not a fun thought. I guess the cold front has passed, because it was warm all night. I am not feeling so hot and kinda nauseas. But I figure 15 miles per day is my minimum and that leaves me 10 more miles to go before I can rest. Also my left leg/foot feels weird. Like a tendon along my shin feels tight. Alas, no rest for the wicked.

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