Thursday, June 11, 2015


Been thinking alot about my destination and m6 hopes when getting there. I will be arriving at the end of summer so I may have a problem getting a job, as it's a resort town. And if for some reason it's not the place for me, where then? Head north to provo, or on to cali? I guess I have a couple of months to think on it.
Tonight we grilled some large ribeye steals on the grill along with baked potatoes.  I have been craving steak since the walk started. It was a very satisfying meal and I'm so thankful to be able to eat well before the resumption of the walk. I will probably still be able to do 15 miles a day in this heat, but can't really plan for more. Not looking forward to the heat, but ready to start walking again. My ankle with what I can only assume has a stress fracture, is still a little sore, but healing.

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