Thursday, June 4, 2015


Not much to say. Just that people are amazing! Not only did I wakeup to find donations into my account, but on the road out of town, I was given some what a burger by the same ladies who hooked me up yesterday. The one real downside to texas, besides the heat, is the all the private fences. There's barb wire fences everywhere. I found a good night time spot earlier,  but would have to wait several hours. Luckily I came upon this rv park. Most rv parks don't allow tent camping. But I decided on a new tack instead of calling and was looking for someone for a face to face. Merle was driving by, as I was poking in the office window. We talked for a little bit, because that's what you do in texas. Then he offered me a spot for free. It's still hot, but I'm in my tent and grateful for the kindness.

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