Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Tropical storm Bill. More rain, more flash floods, and it's heading right into north texas. Of all the years I could have chosen to walk across America. I was about to head out when it started raining. And as you all know, for me, rain is a walk killer.  Yes my gear will stay dry, and I would stay mostly dry. But it's just miserable to walk in. My phones about dead, from lack of vitamin d, and I don't have the fortitude to deal with it today. Oh, and my nipple hurt something feirce. I don't know what causes that,  but it's annoying. I've wrapped my ankle bandage around my chest to keep them from rubbing against my shirt.
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I'm tired and didn't sleep much last night. A cat me owed near my tent last night, and though I knew it was a cat,  I guess the stress of the day caught up with me.
I think my motivation for the walk is gone. I was looking for the ocean of god, and found it early on. I could stand to lose more weight, but I'm good with the loss of 50 lbs. And I've come to realize that my happy location, probably doesn't exist. That finding a place, is only half the battle. The rest is finding happy inside. Trite as it sounds, it's true, and as belligerent as my spirit has been to find the perfect place, I think the missing part has always been inside me. But I have that now. So it kind of nullifies my reason for the walk.
The question now is, if i don't walk, where then do I go?

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