Tuesday, June 16, 2015


The night behind walmart strategically behind a bush. There's rain in the air and my goal today is whiteright.  Getting past the puma is a little bit of a worry. But I don't see another option. Maybe it will have moved on. The thing is because of the tsll grasses, I would likely never see it coming. But I plan on staying very alert. And gonna pick up an air horn in a sec if I can. I see yesterday as God keeping me safe. Had it attacked me under the bridge, or after I made camp, I would be puma bait already. The fact that it came over the road at me was a blessing. And that car that shipped by in the nick of time and almost hit it. I like how the cougar website for America says there's no mountain lions in east and central parts of the US. But yet everyone knows someone that has seen one.

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