Sunday, June 7, 2015

Top 10 things I like about the walk

I'm on my buddy's couch, in the AC and just relaxing, reflective of the last few months. I've skimmed through my previous posts for the first time and they bring me right back to specific days, and I remember them clearly. There's a fair amount of being scared, worried, and apprehensive, but there are also times of profound contentment. Being off the road for the last two days, and knowing I have a safe place to sleep for the rest of the week, and not having to be alert all the time has got me thinking about the best aspects of the walk. So here they are:

10. Walking. Though I don't miss walking all day long, there is just something fulfilling about walking and thinking alone.
9. Everyday is a new adventure. There is nothing really the same, and the landscape is always changing. There's a definite feeling of making progress, even if I do nothing else.
8. The unknown. Everyday is a new challenge.  And though sometimes those days have been insurmountable,  it's a great feeling to meet the unknown, and rise to the challenge.
7. Nature. I've never been a nature guy. But on the walk, I'm like this explorer in a wild new land. Sitting by the side of the road and having a butterfly land on your hand, or seeing boars on the side of the road. It's scary sometimes but also kind of exciting.
6. taking my time. I have to remind myself that there's no hurry, and days I've done around 15 miles are usually very relaxed and peaceful. It's when I push myself to make miles that the walk becomes s grind.
5. With each mile I'm burning calories and losing weight. I like that I'm 50 lbs lighter. It just feels good.
4. By blogging, doing facebook, and such; the encouragement and support has been a big part of my walk. I feel connected to people like I never have before.
3. The people that stop to to bring me a cold drink, give me a few bucks, or just to talk. Meeting, Nice, amazing people is just a great thing, and energizes me.
2. Walking with god. On the road,  I just feel closer to god. Walking is just such a solitary endeavor that even with all the cars passing by, I feel alone in the world and I feel so connected with god walking the path with me.
1. With each step, I'm getting closer to the person I've always wanted to be. The me who is happy.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. Way better than any top ten letterman has ever done.
