Friday, June 5, 2015

Unspoken rules

The one rule above all else is, walk. Although I suppose you could run if your heart desires it. But there are a few unspoken rules for the walk that discern a walker from a continental traveller.
1. Walk throughout. I've read about cross country walkers that would walk east/west, but then take rides north/south. I personally think that's crap. But I do agree that there are times when taking a ride is reasonable.
A. When no pedestrian traffic is allowed, like some btidges.
B. When you are in immediate peril, or by walking you route, could put you in imminent danger.
C. When going off your route to visit a friend or safe camping spot. An example is like when I go to a state park, but then had to go several miles from the entrance to the camping area. Or when going completely off route, to visit my uncle in longview. It was 10 miles from the highway. Youre golden as long as you hike out or start again from the same spot you left.
2. Time off is just to heal enough to get back to the walk. I've seen youtube videos of people taking 2 weeks off to go on a family vacation. That kind of stretches it for me. I guess everything is relative.
That's all I got for now, please feel free to add to the list.

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