Thursday, June 4, 2015

Unusual night

Was waiting at dairy queen for the busy bodies to be on there way, so I could make a dash for the church. And while waiting outside,  a guy cones up and introduces himself as Tim, and asks if I wanna go to his cousins house and get high. I told him no on the getting high but would like to hang out. I was hoping on getting an invite to pitch my tent in the cousins yard. Went to the guys house and it was like a circus of people coming and going. Tim kept introducing me as the guy who's walking across América,  he doesn't smoke, but he's cool. The cousin tim, introduced me to a show called robot chicken, and it was weird but funny. After a few hours things quieted down and he said I could crash on his back porch. I'm sleeping commando, no tent, and gotta be up in 6 hours. The dogs next door start barking crazy when i try and setup my tent, so i gave up. I just thought I'd try something different. Shake it up a little bit. They are both nice guys, if inebriated. I'm glad I met them, but could have used the extra sleep, had I gone the sleep behind the church route.

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