Thursday, June 4, 2015


Still in emory. Finished a nice Mexican meal and after looking at the map, was again disconcerted to see only farmland for the next 10 miles. No trees in which to camp. So after walking just to be on the move, I turned around after finding a church. There's a picnic area in town which is where I'm sitting, waiting for sunset. My options are slim, so I'm going to probably try behind the church after dark. From what I understand, that's a common practice for walkers, but I've only done it once out of desperation. The cart makes things challenging, versus just packing it. But I think it's well worth it. Now there's just the waiting. Been thinking about all the amazing people that have stopped on the road to give me a hand up. Intellectually, I've done the math and it doesn't matter whether I'm wearing my Homer hat or not. I named my hat Homer btw, Homer 2 to be precise. From an outsiders view, people probably help transient types all the time, and I could very well have just been the beneficiary of that goodwill. But every time I've prayed for help, I've gotten it. Days I didn't pray, most times I didnt. With few exceptions, my Florida walk was curiously missing the helping hand. Could be because I was fat, and didn't fit the part. Could be because Florida's are just not help the guy on the roadside kind of people. Possibly. I would say that 90% of the hand outs I've received have been some variant of Christian.  So does that mean I'm in some exclusive club now, and getting help from other members via the grapevine? I was in a gas station a few days back and after I paid for my drink, a large black guy comes up to me and hands me some ones. He says that Jesus told him to give the money to me. So it it possible that the roadside help I've gotten is circumstance and fitting a profile? It is. But I choose to believe it's something more. That it's gods grace, helping me.

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