Thursday, June 4, 2015

Laundry day

So I may have been incorrect about my clothes not being that bad. So I stopped in emory to do some laundry. The ever dry shorts I picked up last month must be mislabeled because they are never dry. They suck up any moisture in the air and just look dirty all the time. The laundromat is probably the dirtiest one I've ever seen, but it does have ice cold AC,  so I'm feeling the whole glass half full vibe. Since my realization yesterday about how long the day has gotten, I'm not freaking out about heading out of town and finding a spot right away. After laundry, I plan to grab a bite and then be on my way. Greenville is about 30 miles, and my halfway point. It's pretty darned exciting! The ankle brace I got is doing wonders, and if not for the oppressive heat, I could go further than I'm doing. After 11 am I have to stop about every 2 miles, and take a 15 minute with an ice cold beverage to cool down and keep from getting over heated. It's frustrating, but I'm glad for the cooler and the ice. The cooler is vital to walking these texas roads. Without the quick cool down option, I would have to sit in the shade doubly long, and the walk would be one of misery. I'm finding picnic areas all over now. And they're a nice respite considering there is no shade for miles around. Another glass half full item is that I'm heading NW,  so not feeling the sun for 15 straight hours, but now getting some shade from the trees later in the afternoon. A lady stopped in front of me and started talking to me about god. She gave me  5, then a few min later, another five,  the a few minutes later some ones. She also wanted to bless me, but didn't have the time. Made me wonder there for a moment if she was friends with uncle sid's ex. But she was kind and wished me well on my journey. And I'm thankful for the cash, which is my laundry and fast food dinner tonight.

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