Monday, August 10, 2015

Summertime in Shan'grila

It has hit me, the quietude of thought. Gone is all the anger and resentment of the gods that has been with me this long while. And also gone is living as a reaction to 1200 miles of penance. I am myself now, and content.
Each day in my life that has gone wrong. Each relationship that threw a bad spoke. And each self critical thought that has left me weak and full of regret, was left on the side of the road with the rest of the things that no longer breathe.
That thing I did that one time no longer defines me.
Those things I did before that,  mistakes, bad choices, no longer affect this present.
I am today and tomorrow.
The forest path calls me, and I need it like a soft cooling rain on a summers day.
I am ready.

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