Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thinking ahead

It's been two months since I stopped walking and I'm really been thinking on how to start my life right this time around. It's kinda like a second chance for me and I don't want to mess it up. So I'm being very picky about the choices and path ahead of me.
I've started over lots of times in my life but always seemed to jump right back into misery. I guess I never realized how important having a vision was, and making the absolute right choices reflective of that were.
My vision is to become self sufficient, to work as an artist and writer and to travel. Having a place to call my own is still important to me, and the size and amenities don't really matter. I just want a place where I can call home in between adventures. Most importantly is my need to work as an artist and writer in whatever form that takes. When I started web design, I had a good vision, but to put food on the table compromised my artistic integrity. That is not going to happen again. I also stopped drawing several years ago, and that's a happy place for me. Did a sketch last night and it felt good, even if I am a little rusty.
Making the right choices big and small is probably the biggest change for me. What would the wayward yeti do? That helps me put things in perspective. I know how tom would choose, the most direct,  cheapest, and no BS alternative. But the wayward yeti makes choices to reflect the journey and making that journey a great one now and later on down the road.

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