Sunday, March 8, 2015


I hadn't really planned on my walk across America nor this blog being something that anyone would really care about; as I am doing it for me; and this blog, so that if I'm abducted by aliens that you will know roundabouts where to find the crop circles.
Though there are several reasons for walking across America, my main reason is to find my happy place. So in its essence this is a spiritual journey for me rather than making it from one place to the next.
So far my thoughts have been very focused on my gear and how out of shape I am, but I expect that I will be waxing philosophical and poetic as I progress on the walk.
I will however be doing a video about the gear Im taking, so that similarly to NASA mission control, if I am in the middle of nowhere and need to open a can of beans, and my can opener is MIA, you guys can walk me through jerry-rigging one using the supplies I have with me.

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