Thursday, April 16, 2015

A good day

I woke up about 5:30 and just wanted to go back to sleep. Why oh why did I tell them I would be gone by 6? Because I wanted a safe place for the night and wanted to show the firefighters that I would be zero trouble. But I was up late last night, and couldn't sleep. Normally I'm out by 9, but energy drinks have this odd side effect even after the physical energy wears off. Minus the little sleep, I did get to talk to a good friend on the phone, and that was nice. I'm in a town called Mary Ester, and hoping to make Pensacola today. Even though the weather predicts rain, I haven't had any in my path, And so able to make some good time. I'm at McDonalds now waiting for my phone to charge. Its nice to wake up and find stores or restaurants early on in the day, and really starts the day out right. As opposed to the days where each morsel of civilization needs to be sought out after an exhaustive trek. Now that I'm approaching Alabama, I have mixed emotions about leaving Florida. Just being in Florida, there has been a safety net in my mind. That if I was ever truly in a bad situation, I could call my family; even if it was a 6 hour drive. Not that I would call, but, just the idea comforts me. Going into another state changes the dynamic in my head and in a sense makes the decisions I make, have more meaning. Anyway, I'm looking forward to making some tracks today! My sneakers are treating me right, so I hope to fly through these miles.

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