Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blah day

Today was very bland and grey, but the good thing about being on the walk is you still burn calories. Earlier I developed a fairly large blister on the heel of my foot, due to the new sneakers. Normally I shrug them off by popping, antibiotic cream, tape them up and move on. But this one really hurt even after a 90 minute break. So today has been limping but slowly dredging forward. I called the fire station in the next town, to see if by chance I could pitch my tent at their firehouse (I do learn from my mistakes every now and again), but they turned me down acting as if the very idea were unthinkable. So it looks like I'm stealth camping tonight. I get used to it but its never a comfortable thing. But it is free, and just part of the walk. Tomorrow I will be on the other side of Pensacola, then its about 15 miles to the border. Still debating on my route, because I don't want to spend a month going diagonally through Louisiana. I do however want to get out of this horrible humidity and going north is the only way to do that.

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