Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Ran out of water. While packing up my camp, I notice a missing cap on a jug of water. And not finding it, I took a big swig and emptied it onto the ground. That left me with half a gallon and a soda. When on my route, having to hike the wrong way is a no no, so though I was headed out if a city area, there was no way I was going to backhike a few miles. But on my way out of town, I noticed there is really nothing out this way and wont be for miles. I go through about a gallon a day, so my half gallon just wouldn't be enough. Luckily, I found a independent store along the way and they filled up my water jugs. I'm going to be in the middle of nowhere for about the next 30 miles, so I'm glad I have the water. Hattiesburg is 45 miles away and if I needed to, could make in two days, but may stretch it out to 3. The scenery has changed and its really pretty out here, not that I could see it yesterday with all the rain. My internet is spotty, but hopefully that clears up soon.

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