Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I found a nice long bridge, so I decided to take the rest of the day off. But while scouting, I stepped over a creek and a water moccasin about 6 feet long scurries away not to far to my left. That gave me the need to keep going and find a spot later on drier land. So its four o'clock, and I'm just beat. A little rain is on its way. I don't know what I would do without that radar app: I can see any precipitation as its coming my way. Theres an okay spot, a little down the hill from me and though I haven't really checked it out, and its before the 630 mark, I really want to make it my home for the night. The bad thing about the walk, is when out in the boonies, there are no half days. Its best to find something near dark, to better sneak into a spot. I think about old movies where you see a hobo on the side of the road, half asleep from under the brim of his straw hat. Hah! Not even a reality. I will probably continue on, because of my previous experiences camping early. But man, I'm tired.

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