Sunday, April 19, 2015

Big lagoon

I am not very good at planning ahead, which is usually fine. Things usually work themselves out. Today, was one of the lucky days. Looking for a campspot, everything was covered in water. There were overflowing canals on each side of the road, where there should be shallow ditches. I have had, not so good luck with state parks, so I usually don't even think about them as an option. But today, I looked up and there was the big lagoon state park sign. I called them and they had a spot. So a mile and 20 bucks later, I'm comfy in my tent and ready for some shut eye. My new sleeping bag is very lightweight and compact, and looking forward to see how it fairs. Also have my backpack in the tent with me, when I normally only bring my smaller tent bag inside for the night. There's comfort knowing you have everything you need right beside you. Some social media and its lights out. Just one fun note, that hotel had bed bugs, and now all my seems to as well, yay!

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