Sunday, April 19, 2015

Finally, the sun

It's still cloudy, but its there and comes out now and again to bring a smile to my face. Pushing the cart is easy, even having to do the balancing act. But going uphill, that's a completely different animal. Its just brutal on my lower abs, and I have to rest frequently even on slight grades. Having had a little time to think on it, I've decided yo either somehow attach a small wheel to the bicycle bar, or attach two long bars and make a rickshaw out of my cart. But I'm stuck like this until I come across a home depot. I'm still Florida so of course not making good time. I'm going to find a campsite soon, as the rest of my trip for the next 20 miles or so is residential, and I don't want to get stuck in that when night comes. I was bummed out that I had to toss my straw hat. It was torn and moldy. But as luck would have it, I'm at a WalMart, and they have the exact same hat! Very handy for keeping the sun off my face and looking homeless; if that's what you're going for. With the sun, brings hope, and that's enough for today.

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