Saturday, May 9, 2015

From the outset

When I announced to my mom that I was planning on a walk across the country, she was hesitant at first, but then after understanding it a bit more; has been very supportive of my journey. Even before that, when I moved to Florida last year, helping me get back on my feet, she was there at my back. I know that this trek couldn't be easy for her. Even though I'm a 46 year old son, the thought of me sleeping in a ditch, or the way I have lived, must have caused anxiety and worry. But she has been just awesome and supportive. I know that having me as a son can't have always been easy, so I'm especially thankful and lucky to have her as my Mom. Happy Mother's Day Mom!


  1. I'm sure she is happy to have a son like you and probably would do it all over again with you as her son if given the chance. Keep up the good work Tom.

  2. Just lost my whole post. Let me try again. I am very happy to have you for a son, Joe is right!

  3. Yes, I do get uptight a bit while you're out in the "wild" but I know this is something you have to do. Sometimes I think, "Wow, I'd like to do that," and in the next breath, "I couldn't make it five miles." And the fact that you're soul-searching along the way, well, we all could do with a bit of that!
    I love the blog and all the posts. I'm getting an insight into who you are far more than I ever have - and I like what I see!
    Proud to be your mom,
