Saturday, May 9, 2015


In my hotel room, I have all my supplies and gear spread out across the bed and floor. My goal is to go through everything and toss the gear I just don't use. I may have to abandon my cart and backpack it, and if it comes to that, I want to be able to just grab my pack and walk away. I still have a fair amount of "just in case" supplies that hasn't found a use. Even now, when packing my cart, I don't use but a third of the space. I was able to wash my clothes, and am so glad to that. Washing clothes on the road is fairly easy but they take all day to dry, and if not, the dampness tends to mildew overnight. I need to get new socks tomorrow, as the ones I have are thin and holey. Yesterday and today, have been spent in bed resting or sleeping. I didn't realize how much energy and awareness were spent being on the walk. Even zero days like last week, I was always cautious and aware. And I guess that measure of alertness takes its toll. The heat definitely plays its part too. Though still tired, and I expect to rest throughout the day and night, but this way station is just what I needed; and now ready for adventure again. Within the next week I will see the Mississippi river, and very excited about that.

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