Sunday, May 10, 2015


I have definitely seen changes in myself thus far in my journey, but I have also made commitments to myself at its outset. I decided soon after I started this walk to be honest. I wasn't dishonest before, but I would hold back on things I wanted to say to people, thinking them too soft and cuddly for my stoic demeanor. So if I think of something nice u want to say to someone, I say it. Or text ir email it and press the send button before I think on it too long. I have also made a specific plan to be nice. I know, shocking. At first it was difficult, and my mouth twisted in distaste when I said something out of character for me. But the longer I travelled, the more naturally it came to me. And now, I can't imagine being any other way. I guess I have just always been on the critics side, pointing out the flaws. But the walk has really shown me a different side of things. It's shown me that a kind word goes a long way. Even a smile, or a sincere greeting. I didn't realize the power that kindness has. Don't get me wrong. I'm still me, full of sarcastic remarks and a satirical wit. But that has its place. I guess I just want to have a better impact on those who are in my life, even if briefly.

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