Saturday, May 2, 2015

Less than

A hundred miles from my southern route, yet 15 degrees colder, I don't get it. It was 46 when I woke this morning, and it was not fun. Thank goodness it got warm fast after sunrise. I'm at WalMart now and definitely planning on getting a blanket, thermal underwear, a fleece or something! The tire will just have to wait. If I have to go all chinaman I will. Just rims. I think about my uncle Sid often, and he was a good man. I'm trying to be more like him if possible, more accepting and more people orientated. For most of my life I've pushed people away trying to define myself, and have been very selective about who I chose to call a friend. I just ended up lonely and alone. Now I see that a person's spirit is the most important quality and being surrounded by people that make you feel good. I've always prided myself on my wit and satire. But a kind sincere comment goes way further, and makes people feel better. Not to get all hippie on you, but it's all about being happy and making others happy. So I've decided to Make Love Not Wit, as much as is humanly possible for me. Goal today, is to exit Hattiesburg and make miles.

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