Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spooky bridge

About 20 miles outta town, I found a bridge. Its shallow, but kept me out of that lightning storm about an hour ago. Its close to the water and very swampy. Like the kind of place gators would be happy. I haven't seen any yet. Just a humungo frog, which I see as keeping guard for me. Its gonna rain for at least another few hours, and though I'm bushes, there is no way I'm spending the night here. Just waiting out the rain, with my stick and bear spray handy. There's also a pile of bones. I'm guessing from a dog. They are arranged so must have been by human hands. Its just a weird spooky bridge. And I can't wait to leave it behind. A nice place in the woods, somewhere miles from here would be nice. I am tired but keep packing the energy drinks to stay awake.

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