Monday, May 11, 2015

The thunder rolls

The storm should hit in a few, its thundering outside. But I've had time to think while my phone was charging and have come to the conclusion I need to step up my game. This last week or two, I have been taking partial days. Sure the heat has been a factor, but I've also stopped early in favor of a sure camping spot. I've also been on the road almost two months with no significant increase in miles per hour. I do about 2.5 mph, sometimes more but take about 5 breaks a day with only one long one. If I change my pace by 25%, and walk 12 hours I can do 25-30 miles per day. That still leaves me an hour break and time to find a spot. It's pushing it, but until I get to Texas, I think it needs to be done. I had my two days off in a hotel and sitting under this bridge all day has made me very impatient. It's an extra 7-13 miles per day but I think I have it in me. With 300 miles to shreveport/texas that's a 12 day hike if all goes well. That's an exciting thought if I can pull it off.

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