Monday, June 15, 2015

Back on the road

And it kinda hurts. Just finished walking  about 4 miles and I'm covered on sweat.  Don't know if it's the humidity or being out of shape, from laying on the couch the last nine days. Luckily it's been cool, if muggy,  and the sun hasn't really made an insistent appearance. my goal today is a bridge about another 9 miles away. I don't want to start my walk by having to seek out a campspot on a long road and barbwire fences. Just a nice easy day will suit me fine.
These last week or so relaxing has been so good for both my body and spirit. Brian was a generous and most excellent host, but that is the way of hobbits. I feel renewed, and ready for the walk again in a short time. That is not to say I wasn't tempted to stay and make my home in Denison, I was. Still am. And I guess if when I finish the walk, I may come back here. But I still feel unfinished. Like the transformation that started on the walk needs to be completed. That I am still, not the whole person o am meant to be. It's only 3 months, and the best part is still ahead. I guess living like a normal person for awhile has made me appreciate it.

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