Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 93

I only got a few hours sleep last night, so I'm a little tired. I use the map quest app to see the road ahead using the aerial view feature, checking our the terrain, looking for bridges and clumps of trees that don't look fenced. Looking ahead yoday, there are 3 bridges at 2, 6, and 10 miles. Most of the flooding has gone down, so that gives me hope that one of them will do the trick. Regardless though, the third bridge will have to work if the other two don't because it's the last option for another 10 miles after that.
There's a walmart just around the corner where I intend to get some new indokes, Off, and some new bandanas. Luckily the next hundred miles or do has a fair amount of civilization,  even as far as Wichita Falls. Right now though, I have a few hours to blow. sunset is around 830 and if the furthest distance I may go today is 10 miles, that's 5 hours at most. Which means I can take a break til 330 and still have plenty of time to make it to a good spot. If one of the closer bridges works out, all the better.

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