Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hawkins Tx

Woke up and headed into Hawkins tx. It's a small town,  but giving me a reprieve from the sun. It's going to be a scorcher for this walker today. But I got donations to the burrito fund, and now can put ice back on the menu, yay! Yesterday whole taking a breather at an abandoned church, a young couple brought me dome cold drinks, and that hit the spot. Then about 15 minutes later, a car pulled up and a kid comes out with a sonic bag and an ice cold soda.  That really hit the spot! Gonna pick up some vitamins as soon as possible, probably in Minneola.  But that's 20 miles away and a tomorrow kind of thing. My ankle is still giving me crap, but will just have to walk thru it. Twenty miles...sigh.

1 comment:

  1. A guy came up to me in a parking lot, needed gas money to get home, etc. A real scammer, I'm sure, but I had to give him $ just in case. You are making it hard for me to pass by anyone... I so appreciate the good folks who are so kind to you!
