Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hot and hotter

Today gas been an exercise in just making it through each mile. In Hawkins this morning I decided to proceed without getting ice, and that was a mistake. The highway widened out and the trees are now far from the roadway and there's no shelter from the sun for miles and miles. I did have some people stop and give me cold drinks. I guess sitting on the side of the roadway in the hot sun, is the international sign for help. I was just resting, but thankful to them cold drinks. Now I'm definitely glad I chose the northern route. I'm about 5 miles from Mineola and plan on camping soon. I'm just that worn out. In the morning when it's nice and cool I can make the walk to town. Decided to take 69 thru Mineola, greenville, then denison. There's lots of flooding in dallas and I want to avoid that.

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