Thursday, July 30, 2015


It's been brought to my attention that I may have the tendency to point out the negative aspects in my life a little too much. Though I agree with this sentiment, I am also a fan of full disclosure. I hate it when people online or in person only share half of their experiences, the positive things.
To me the negative things are just as important to share. Who wants to live in a world without balance? I don't believe in sharing only portions of my life. Sure, I may over share to those close to me, and that's something I'm working on.
My problem is that I think too much. That circular thinking where if I can't come up with a viable solution, I get negative.  Then try a new solution to a problem in my head, rinse and repeat.
Lately I've been very negative about the job and starting from scratch. And though I haven't really shared, I am also very thankful for alot of things, including said job.
I ended my walk in denison. A small podunk town with very little in the way of commerce or a thriving job market. I've got 7 years experience in a call center, and coincidentally, I landed a job a 1/2 mile away from the house. In a call center, in this small podunk town. The unlikeliness that I would find a reasonably paying job,  with a guaranteed 40 hours, within a short walk from the house, in denison of all places, is amazing!
I'm extremely grateful for my buddy, which I hadn't seen in 20 years for taking me in and making sure I didn't want for any basic necessities while I scrounge my life back together into something resembling a fresh start. My mom was really helped in that fresh start too, by making sure I had money for food and clothing to get started again. At 46, it's a little ridiculous to be in this kind of position, but having friends, family, and a good running start is something I am extremely grateful for.
At the begining if this blog, I made it my mission statement not to delete any posts. To be completely honest, and share things I would normally keep to myself. I have no idea if anyone is even reading this thing anymore, and I guess it doesn't matter.
My point is that my posts are completely me without censorship. It's the same with social media, and me in person. There's alot going on in my head at any one time. So if I'm overly negative, I would appreciate a poke, to let me know it's getting to be a little much.
I'm pretty tired, so hopefully this post will make sense to me on the morrow.

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