Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lazy day

These dog gone hills are wearing me out, and its so nice to think that its just a preface of things to come. I decided not to bother crossing Tallahassee today. Gonna spend some time resting at a local park up the road, then head up to Mickey dees for supper. After, I will find a nice spot for the night. It's odd that finding a spot to sleep is easier in populated areas. No signs, no fences, just an empty lot with trees that no one takes a second glace at.

Day 17

Yesterday was a long one, about 22 miles, and the latter part of it was spent enjoying the new thrill of hilly terrain. Currently in about 15 miles from Tallahassee, and though looking foward to sidewalks and a store on every corner; not sure if I can cross the city by today which leaves me in a possible territorial dispute with the homeless denizen. A few days back, some older folks stopped and gave me $10. I guess I was looking forlorn, because shortly after, another couple stopped and gave me food. It was milk and cheese, and not something I eat, being lactose intolerant; but they looked so sincere, and I didn't want to offend them. It was a very kind gesture on both counts. I also was given an ice cold Pepsi from someone living alongside the highway. Just now sitting by the side of the road writing this, someone pulled over just to see if I was okay. I have really only started on my westward journey and looking forward to what it holds in store for me.

Monday, March 30, 2015


On these long stretches between towns I start off my days adventurous and excited for what comes next. But its towards the end of the day that my thoughts turn dark, where I feel like an inept intruder upon an unforgiving landscape. Looking for a place to pitch my tent, away from prying eyes; away from observance or danger, its then that the fear takes root in me and takes on a life of its own. It's not the darkness or the distance, but a constant nagging of the what-ifs or what-thens. Even before the walk, there has always been this fear, of not succeeding, of not becoming what I feel I was meant to become. And its a fear that has often crippled me into static stillness. Which is a main reason I chose to walk across America. There are parts if this journey that are very exciting and adventuresome. But there is also a dangerous and scary side to this walk, that threatens to paralyze me into nervous worry. Especially as the night comes and I need to find a place to sleep. Last night was one if those nights, it was a frenzy of worry and paranoia. I setup my tent and lay down, not unrolling my sleeping bag until an hour had passed, which in my mind marked a timeframe for my escape into the woods to go unnoticed. The night had come and I unrolled my bag and slept. I awoke at 6am to the cars going by and stepped out if my tent to a quiet stillness. It was really quiet beautiful. The pine needles carpeting the ground muffled the sounds of the highway and the faint morning light could be seen through the trees. It was still and peaceful, and thinking about it, was likely that way before I went to sleep. And so the only difference was my perception. And that my fear the previous night drove the beauty away. I started this walk knowing that it was what I needed. That I needed to break out of a shell of static stillness and paralyzed thought. I guess I just need to have faith that things will be okay, otherwise it will be as if I never left, stuck in place.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Perry & Beyond

Today I'm feeling reflective of my life until now and the people (you know who you are) who have chosen to stick with me through life's ups and downs. And find myself grateful for their support. And though walking across America is exciting, its also a little stressful for me but also for those who supported my decision. So, I want to thank everyone who has supported my walk with donations and words of encouragement. I have decided to stay 19 north from Perry then get on 20 through Tallahassee. I mainly want to avoid those long stretches if I can help it, but I also want to avoid bear country. I know, I shouldn't be so worried, but after reading about that bear photographer that got killed by his subject, makes me a little wary. Stopped at WalMart today and picked up a front tire, to hop as a spare. The pavement has worn it down, and I just want to be prepared. I did look for a sweatshirt and sweat pants to help me through this cold spell, but they didn't have any. This is Florida after all and its really not supposed to be this cold. My sleeping bag is toasty, but breaking camp and starting the day with summer clothes and a hoodie does not for a good time make. Feeling kinda lazy and don't expect to make many miles today.

Perry & Beyond

Today I'm feeling reflective of my life until now and the people (you know who you are) who have chosen to stick with me through life's ups and downs. And find myself grateful for their support. And though walking across America is exciting, its also a little stressful for me but also for those who supported my decision. So, I want to thank everyone who has supported my walk with donations and words of encouragement. I have decided to stay 19 north from Perry then get on 20 through Tallahassee. I mainly want to avoid those long stretches if I can help it, but I also want to avoid bear country. I know, I shouldn't be so worried, but after reading about that bear photographer that got killed by his subject, makes me a little wary. Stopped at WalMart today and picked up a front tire, to hop as a spare. The pavement has worn it down, and I just want to be prepared. I did look for a sweatshirt and sweat pants to help me through this cold spell, but they didn't have any. This is Florida after all and its really not supposed to be this cold. My sleeping bag is toasty, but breaking camp and starting the day with summer clothes and a hoodie does not for a good time make. Feeling kinda lazy and don't expect to make many miles today.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Went to bed last night at 7 and woke up today at about 10. My feet seem to be getting used to the abuse, as I just checked them and only a small blister to tend to. Last night was cold, but my 0-20 degree bag kept me very warm. Airing out my gear including my sleeping mat which has developed a sort of marshy slime. But as I've officially left the swamps behind (according to the atlas) I should be fine. Also doing laundry. My socks take a terrible beating and leave them with an odor that can only be described as ripe. All in all, I am doing well spiritually. Thanks to all of you who reached out to me with encouragement. Looking at the map, I am very happy with my progress, and have a new route planned. A novelist that I follow on facebook A. American will be in Destin next week. I had hoped to meet him, but not sure of the timing. I'm just taking the day to renew and rest, but I am restless. I'm so used to walking now that, not walking seems odd.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Made it!

Made it to Perry and the first gas station is a Sunoco which also happens to be the office for the campground behind. Kinda pricey at $10 a night, but couldn't walk the extra 10 miles for a cheaper fare. I got two nights, and just took a shower. My feet are torn up. Many new blisters and soreness footwide. The campground is kinda trailer parky, but compared to the days stealth camping, just heavenly. And having a convenience store so close is just, well, convenient. I'm so glad to be here, and away from the walk for a few days. I already promised myself to stop doing stupid stuff, and my Id agrees. My other resolution is to get out of the swamp and to a more reasonably forested area.

Made it!

Made it to Perry and the first gas station is a Sunoco which also happens to be the office for the campground behind. Kinda pricey at $10 a night, but couldn't walk the extra 10 miles for a cheaper fare. I got two nights, and just took a shower. My feet are torn up. Many new blisters and soreness footwide. The campground is kinda trailer parky, but compared to the days stealth camping, just heavenly. And having a convenience store so close is just, well, convenient. I'm so glad to be here, and away from the walk for a few days. I already promised myself to stop doing stupid stuff, and my Id agrees. My other resolution is to get out of the swamp and to a more reasonably forested area.

El Stupido

Last night, odd things kept happening, like dogs would start barking or I would hear odd sounds outside the post office. I was very tired and had this picture of me falling asleep and getting woken up by my harasser. So I decided to brave the road at night. Very very stupid move on my part. Nothing happened but I was scared the entire time. Animals were a concern, but I started thinking that anyone could just pull over and shoot me and it would be a perfect murder. I also heard loud noises from the trees, that I'm guessing was a bear or a boar. And there I was in the pitch dark. Gives me the shivers thinking about it. Next time, I will take the redneck and the lighted post office hands down. All this never would have happened had I just followed my first rule. Now, I'm about 5 miles from Perry and my feet are beyond killing me. And I'm exhausted. Each mile is another piece of me to make it. I need some sleep bad. Thinking of breaking down and getting a motel if it doesn't break the bank, hell, even if it does at this point. Feeling very unmotivated and disempowered. And now the bugs are eating me alive. Great start to a day.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


So my refuge didn't last long. I make it a point to stay clear of private property and no trespassing signs. I setup my tent off an ill-used road with none of that, but broke my first rule of setting up before dark. Sometime around 7, I heard a truck rattle by and stop, then heard a man calling out. I didn't respond, and the truck rattled away. I broke camp because I don't like anyone to know where I'm sleeping. Both sides of the highway are marshy and as night approached I was worried about finding a good camp. Then I saw some lights up ahead, one was a church sign and the other a small post office (one of those small town ones with a boxes that stays open all night, where I am writing this). As I approached the church sign, I checked my phone for their number, and called it. No answer. But a truck pulled up about 50 feet away and shown their headlights on me and yelled out we don't want any! I guess they assumed I am homeless. Then I walked to the post office and the creepily followed me. I tried calling the sheriff but no answer. I didn't want to leave in fear that they would run me off the road and claim oops! So I just waited inside the post office charging my phone. A sheriff did come by, ran my ID etc. His name was Hooker and a good guy. He suggested I stay the night at the post office or walk wearing my reflective vest. I am a little concerned with leaving the safety of a the post office, and Hooker said it was cool if I stayed till morning. Of all the dangers of the road, ignorance is the one I fear most. Not sure if I'm going to walk the road at night, or stay here. It depends on whether the locals keep up their antics.


Wet to the bone. The person that developed the MSN weather app should be drawn and quartered. I'm using a windows phone, so its either that or ramahans weather app which one sports 2 stars. The app said I had till 7pm until it rained. Meh. I'm off the highway, off by some hidden side road in my tent, under my tarp, soaking wet. I hate setting up camp this early and so visibly, but I just needed a dry space. It's supposed to let up tomorrow at 1pm, but I think I will do one better than the app and guesstimate. Had a Sheriff stop to check on me earlier before the deluge. I pulled out my wallet reaching for my license but she just wanted to make sure I had enough water and such. Very nice.

Tenville, FL

It's about a 25 mile stretch of nothing between here and Perry and looks like there's gonna be rain all night. My pace is still slow, but as there is literally nothing to do but walk, I am making decent mileage. My feet are doing better. Still getting blisters and still with the shooting pains, but that had lessened. I think the shooting pains are a result of walking on a grade, as the shoulder is inclined. And my right foot is the one with the pain at night, and not so much my left. Either way, the pain is receding a little each night. On the second day of my walk, some lady said there was some young guy walking across America too. She was older, so I assumed, the guy that passed by could have just as well been from last year. But then yesterday a cyclist passed me and said the same thing. Said his name was Josh and walking from Tampa to California. It's kind of cool that he is doing the same thing and left at about the same time. Being a young in, he's probably far ahead of me, but it would be cool to walk with someone, even for a little while. If anyone knows who he is, and if he has a blog, please let me know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Met 2 cyclists (Iann & Marlena) just outside Cross City coming from Perry this morning. My 3 day journey in a few hours, I'm kinda jealous. It was great talking to them, although I was a little embarassed as I was doing laundry at the time. Laundry consists of hanging clothes from my cart and using febreeze, then letting the sun and wind have at them. Anyway, they are from Denmark, and are doing an unusual route. They started in Austin, will spend some time here roundabouts, then head for NY before leaving for home. Their blog is www.longcyclehome.com. Great meeting them, even if only for a few.

Carl & Perry

Each night as I head into my tent, I make sure its clear of any critters. But I think I have a stealthy nemesis...Carl the mosquito. It is my deeply held belief that Carl follows me around, and when its time to enter my tent, he sneakily hides behind my left ear and just outside of my peripheral vision. Carl is very intelligent for his ilk and will even wait until the sun has gone fully down, and there is no light to speak of. Then he teases me, dragging his antennae across my skin, not biting yet, but just to let me know he's there and that I am at his mercy. Throughout the night, I itch, scratch, and slap; all part of Carl's master plan of torture. For all I know, he sleeps the entire night, while I go insane with imagined torment. ... Perry is about 45 miles from here, and at my normal rate of walking will take 2 1/2 - 3 days. The map doesn't show anything in between, so I'm a little worried. It's my first stretch that long. I already got 2 extra gallons of water, and some sodas for those days you just never know. Gonna get some sweets before I go, just to have, though haven't been craving sweets at all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Just past the Suwannee River at a Subway. Not that a sub is that much better than a can of raviolis, but being able to sit down in the AC and plugin my phone is almost worth the 6 bucks for the meal. Some guy pulled off the highway a few hours back and asked if I needed anything. The guy looked like he could use some help himself, but I thanked him for the offer anyway. My feet have continued to rage against me all day. Actually the first 5 miles of the day are usually okay. But at mile 6, they start complaining. Starting out my walk at about 75 lbs. Overweight, I think plays a key factor in how my feet deal with adversity. But give me another month and I don't think that will be an issue. I am shedding weight fairly quick as an upside to walking 10-20 miles a day. And no dieting. I eat what I want when I want, though I'm still struggling with actually being hungry (as in, I'm usually not). Now that the journey is heading in more of a northwesterly direction instead of merely north, I'm getting excited about leaving the jungle behind and start working my way out of the state. It's still early, and maybe I can find a good concealed spot to sleep early on.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 9 Part duex

Rant...I don't think that meteorologists in Florida have any kind of training whatsoever. It's raining cats and dogs, when according to our weather people, its actually not. That's if they exist at all, which I'm still on the fence about. Maybe some part timer from WalMart decides the weather. Hmmm, today we have sunshine and to spice it up lets throw in some partly cloudy forecasts. Rain you say? Bah, this is Florida. Torrential downpour you say? Not according to the board of tourism. ...*Rant off It's time that i should be scouting a spot for the night, but instead I'm sitting under the eave at a Walgreens, waiting. I did hit up WalMart and get those sole inserts which help a bit. Got a few other things too, and restocked my canned food supply. After looking at the map in kinda concerned about my trek after the next town. It doesn't seem like anything is on the way. So that's 55 miles of nada. See, I do think ahead sometimes, for the ne'er-do-wells out there. I also increased my water to 4 gallons which should be enough. One thing I really miss about being the non-walking lifestyle, is a nice comfy chair. One that I can sit on do hours and hours and just relax. Said comfy chair has been replaced by hard benches that are barely sheltered from the torrential downpour. Ok so perhaps I'm not in the best mood right now. Alas...

Day 9

Yesterday at Hershel's in Otter Creek, met two guys that hiked the ACT and just talking with them helped my feet get a move on. Good guys. Thanks Chad and Royce. It rained last night and had to do some middle of the night dam creating in the dark. Seems I put my tarp on sideways. Luckily the weather turned into a light pitter patter and I was able to get some rest. The rain kept up until I was well into 5 miles of my walk today and only after noon did the sun decide to stop playing games with my emotions. These long stretches of nothing but pine trees and humidity get fairly depressing. I've got a very long stretch coming up and worried about my sanity. Got to Chiefland about an hour ago. It's got a few stores, a WalMart even, but alot of places that went out of business. Stopping in at Wally world and hopefully find some good sneakers. It's only another 2 miles away (ugh!). Then its head out of town to find a nice cozy spot for the night.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Stealth camping 101

It takes a little getting used to, but after a few nights, stealth camping becomes easier. The key is to always be on the lookout for a good spot, honing your skills; pointing out the advantages and disadvantages to a particular spot. For me, getting a place close the the highway is paramount. Sure, closer to the road means possible aggravation from the locals, be they troublemakers or troublefinders (ie. The fuzz). But being close to the road also means big scary truck and momocycles making lots of noise to scare off the local wildlife. That being said, your spot needs to be easily accessible for your cart, but hidden from prying eyes. Your spot is a very temporary thing and as I've found, its mostly counter productive to setup camp to early. The goal is to setup camp just before dark, and be on your way as soon as there is light in the sky. The most difficult aspect for me is getting from the road to my spot without being noticed. I regularly stop along the side of the road to rest, so later in the day when I'm ready and have spotted a good ingress point, I will slowly back away from the road, and wait till no cars are in sight and then make a run for it. Once or twice, I've had to setup camp in the dark, which is challenging. But the good thing about spotting and setting up camp at dusk or dark is you can spy where all the best little places of shadow where you can setup your camp.a final handy fact is, its all lights out from the point you spot your spot. The only thing you do at your camp is sleep. Eating and other miscellaneous activities ate reserved for daylight hours while on the road.

Otter Creek cravings

Walked 17 miles today through a whole lotta nothin. And the whole time I kept thinking.."Man, I sure hope the next town has a store!". There is a store here coincidentally, but it's one of those old country store's with a large selection of fishing gear, beer, and a small selection if chips and sodas. I thought that I was craving sugar an caffeine, but what I was really craving was ice. Or more appropriately a cold beverage with ice, like a big gulp. The last two nights at skeeter village and all I had to drink was warm tap water; even though my feet started rebelling against me, I knew I had to walk the extra miles, in hopes there was a cold beverage waiting for me. How did they do it a hundred years ago? Just crazy. So though no fountain drink, I did get a cold code red. And that makes a deplorable day, worth it.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Skeeter Village

Even though this campground is abuzz with mosquitos, I decided to stay another day to let my feet heal. I've had some shooting pains at night after the walk and figured it best to heal up while the chance presented itself. Even walking is so much better than just sitting here, and I can't wait to get started tomorrow morn.

Friday, March 20, 2015

A cool shower

Happened upon a campground at about 4 today. If it was just a primitive site I would have passed it by, but the have showers and laundry. So I paid my 10 bucks and enjoyed a nice cool shower, heck, I may enjoy one in the morning before I leave. After laundry is done, hitting the hay. I don't know what I will do not having to worry about being assaulted in my sleep. Ah, the good life!

Woe is me

The past few days, I've been a real whiner and negative. Certain aspects of the walk were really getting to me. But today I woke up and just really felt the need to make some good mileage and feeling just a little better overall. Early on today I was thinking about Uncle Sid, and how positive he always was. If I could change one thing about myself during this walk, it would be to be more like Sid.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Random thoughts

I'm noticing some interesting things about the effects of the walk thus far. First, as pointed out by captain obvious, I should have spent more time looking for a good pair of sandles. But that is harder than it sounds. My feet are size 13-14 extra wide, high arch and wide heel. Which is nearly impossible to find in the best of circumstances for regular wear, much less a 2800 mile walk. But it is what it is. Second, I sorted my gear and ended up throwing away alot of food. Cheap calories make me want to vomit. So the cheese whiz, the crappy granola bars, most of the pop tarts bit it. I have the same feeling towards sodas now, though I still crave the sugar and caffeine. Mostly I subsist on water, ice water when available and fruit and of course sammiches. I eat in the morning and afternoon but rarely after. Mostly I eat when I start tiring when I shouldn't be. My day starts at about 6am and I setup camp towards 8pm. Wherein I will try to get to sleep soon after. But its still hard, stressing about people or animals finding my spot. I have this urgent voice in my head that tells me to get out of Florida to escape the heat and humidity, but can only do so much now.

Day 5

Last night spotted a good spot to sleep but waited till sundown to go there. Upon arrival I found it taken but some homeless guy. The entire area was peppered with them, and so I had to find a good spot before dark. After dark, I was still looking and decided for a less than ideal spot. Just off the road behind some trees. I can't just sleep in my sleeping bag here, the skeeters would murder me, I have to setup my tent. The place I found was covered in thorns, and putting up my tent in the dark was awful. I did manage to get everything in order, but it was an ordeal. I am worried about the front tire of my cart. It's worn down pretty fast. Inside is solid rubber, but the 12.5 size is hard to find. Guess I will just keep an eye on it. To keep clean, I wipe myself down every night with wipes, and it does a fair job of keeping me clean-ish. But I feel I'm perpetually covered in an oily sandy mixture. And I've got to find a way to wash my clothes. Though maybe not an absolute necessity, its a moral boost.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


A partial day. Having worked in sedentary jobs and lifestyle, I have never really eaten well. But yesterday showed me that I need to have a good breakfast to start out my day. Since the start if my walk, I haven't really had an appetite, so have eaten little. But this morning, I got a turkey sandwich and some grapes at Publix; and what a world of difference that has made in my day. Today I'm only walking 7 miles, to the McDonald's up the road as chance would have it. My feet are doing okay, but could use the rest. One of these days I need to go through my gear. There is a fair amount of stuff that I had anticipated needing, but haven't used at all. Though 2 gallons of water is a good amount to carry now, I could stand to carry more if I had the room.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

By the by

FYI just can't upload photos to the blog from my phone, but have been uploading to instagram (the social icon on the right).


Was the worst day thus far. I had planned on taking it easy today, so as to let a few blisters heal, but alas, it was not to be. Right after breaking camp and sleuthing away, I began looking for a convenience store to gas up with some energy. There was a mom and pop place but it was on the other side of the highway. I just didnt have the energy even that early on, which should be a prelude. I figured there would be something else so i kept going. There was nothing. No thing. Nada. For 12 miles. In the blustering heat. Across bear infested lands. On fat guy feet. I could only walk a mile before I needed to sit down in the shade. And so it went, mile after mile. At one point, in my heat induced hallucinations I realized that I hadn't gone pee all day, and didn't gave to go. I had been drinking at least a gallon of water each day, and that was alot just jostling around in my stomach I though. But as I went to wipe my face with the bandana, and it came away soaked, I realized that it was instead, being pulled out of my skin by that wonderful Florida humidity. Alas, I finished my day at a subway, found a camp spot behind it, and am ready for shut eye.

Sand ugh

The sand is everywhere! I broke camp because coincidentally road crews were scheduled to work on my exact place on the roadway and I didn't want them calling the fuzz. I stopped a little up the road in some shade and sorted and repacked my gear, and noticed all the sand. So much freakin sand in every nook and cranny. This must be where they get sand for those tourist beaches. Just ugh!

Day Two

Yesterday was full of protesting muscles and soreness. I learned that I should wait til the sun is setting to actually spot and setup my tent. The first night, it seems there was a nearby area that was good for four wheelin, so I needed to wait until the darkness that would hide my tent. I decided early yesterday to get off the suncoast trail, it was just too boring. And maybe just a small percentage chance, I was bothered that there weren't any convenient stores where I could get an energy drink. I walked mostly through residential roads throughout the day. Good thing for some of the more interesting mail boxes or I would have regretted leaving the sameness of the trail hike for the sameness if backyard America. I couldn't find a spot last night for the life of me. I passed several possibilities on the way in hopes of finding something better closer to the end of my day. I found some trails next to Winn Dixie, by they seemed already habitated by the homeless denizen. Eventually, I found a spot, over a hill next to a highway.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day One

Walked 13.5 miles before I decided I was a wuss for not being able to do more. The walking part is certainly hard on my feet, but its when the heat turned on at about 11:30 that I started in with the mewling noises. I made it to the suncoast trail, and started looking for a camp spot immediately, as my feet kept complaining, but I was also just tired. Pushing the cart was easy, but not without effort, my arms are gonna hurt tomorrow (with the rest of me). Yesterday I bought a large package of bungee cords and used almost every one on my cart creating a MOLLE cart of sorts. Now I can attach pretty much anything to any part of it. It's very handy. I found a small trail of the suncoast, with a lake nearby. Currently in sitting on my tarp near my cart waiting for it to get dark before pitching my tent. There's a no trespassing sign about 50 feet away, but its facing me, as in, after the sign no trespassing. But just to be safe, I'm waiting so if someone spies me and tells me to move along, that it won't be as much of a hassle. I'm ready to hit the hay now, just a few more hours.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Today was a long day but a good day. Went out to eat with my fam, I told them they could visit me next week, as I probably wouldn't make it that far in the next week; nothing an hour drive couldn't fix.
I got another donation to my burrito fund, yeehaw! Thanks V & M! And Mom made a donation to my Mickey D's fund, rockin!

Everything is packed and ready to go. I did have to rearrange things on my cart, and even now its jam packed and I had to cut back my water from 4 jugs to just 2. But I figure until I get out west to the desert-ish areas, I should be good and by then I can figure out what I need and what I dont.

I probably wont sleep very much tonight, as Im a little too excited (and maybe a little anxious) to hit the road. My goal is to leave here at 8am, and just see how far I can walk without falling down.

I really suck at being thankful or at least expressing gratitude in a socially acceptable way. But I do want to thank everyone who has been supportive of my decision to walk across America. It means alot. Thank you!

Friday, March 13, 2015


Got the Chacos today and took them for a test walk. It was a beautiful day and as my sleeping pad didnt come, I had to go to Walmart to buy one.
I am so grateful for T & D getting me the Chacos, but alas it wasn't meant to be. They had a nice bounce to them but I guess my heel is too wide and part of the base kept digging into my heel. After about 1.5 miles I got some pretty bad blisters, so I walked back home barefoot.

So Im pretty bummed about it, and now too close to my exit date to get new shoes. I guess I will just bring my wally world sandles, my skechers boots, and a pair of casual skecher sneakers I have; and have to consider other options down the road. 


Last night I couldnt sleep (surprise), and watched every one of Nate Damm's videos from his walk across America. Im kinda lucky that Im starting in Florida as, I dont have to worry about the cold. Im a big fan of Nate's writing style and reminds me of Richard Bach. Right now on Amazon Kindle he's offering a free version of Buddha on the Bus. Its a short story, but a good read. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Still awake

I have been awake all night reading Hobo Nick's blog. He walked across America using mostly the same route I will be using, and has given me some clues as to what to expect on my walk. I got some groceries today that should last me about a week. Ive decided that the smart move will be to replace food items as I use them, so that my stockpile is always full. I live right off 41 & 54 and I was planning on getting directly onto 41 and following it til it turned into 98 all the way to Perry Fl. But I think Im going to make a slight detour and get onto the Suncoast Trail which starts in north Tampa and goes 30 miles and turns into 98. The Suncoast trail is a biking trail that hugs the tollway, and bypasses most human settlements. It only adds 2 miles to my journey and is a straight shot. The question is...When I get to Perry, do I stay on 98 and hug the coast, or go through Tallahassee? I really want to avoid big cities where at all possible. But by hugging the coast I would have to go through large state parks and forest reserves which equal Florida black bear country.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Three hundred lives of men I have walked this earth and now I have no time"

Just a few more days, and though I'm excited, I'm also anxious.
I tested the cart out today and it takes a load off walking with a pack even a small one. And I didn't get any blisters today, w00t! The solar charger works nicely and I can listen to music or an audio-book on my phone and it stays fully charged.
I'm still waiting on my sleeping mat and water purification tablets through the mail and I hope they get here by Friday.
During my cart test drive, I did feel the need to have cup holder, so I bought one of those hiker fanny packs that hold two bottles. I think it will right to my cart nicely.
I have a fair amount to do, then just deal with the jitters waiting for my time to go.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


In spent the day doing a dress rehearsal going through my gear and then testing Manny's endurance. Here is a pic showing all my stuff:
Gear for my walk across America

I also did a video but it seems I need to work on my production skills. 

I am still waiting for my sleeping mat which will take up more space.
Overall everything fit nicely, but I am going to pair down some more. I want everything to have its place and everything in its place so that when I'm on my walk across America, things don't get discombobulated. I've decided the big Rubbermaid bin is going to be replaced with two smaller ones. And as most or all my gear is to be stored in them, I don't need to worry about the compactor bags to waterproof them.

Dog cart for my walk across America
Dog cart for my walk across America

I tested out the solar charger and after 45 minutes in the sun, it charged my phone from 43% to full charge. I will continue to test it, as amazon shows mixed reviews. But so far so good. 
Solar Charger - walking across America

 I am golden with regards to everything, and ready to go. But two things are bugging me, but that just may be my perfectionist nature coming out. I still haven't found a way to attach the umbrella to the cart. And even if I did, its not tall enough, so I may just end up using it less and wearing my old man hat instead. 
 My other pet peeve is the tent. The tent is cheap but should do the trick. Its a stand alone tent and fairly easy to setup. It will keep out the bugs and snakes, but it isn't water proof and requires a tarp if its raining. The tarp is unwieldy and troublesome, and I fully expect that I will be going to battle with it soon. 

Now I just need to do some grocery shopping. From what I've read, the goal is to pack 2-3 days worth of food. And for that food to contain as much calories in as small of a space as possible. I normally eat one meal a day and snack the rest of it. But I think I will upgrade that to two meals per day and add a snack or two. Thus far my list is:
  • Poptarts
  • Bagels
  • Cans of Beans, Soups, and Pastas
  • Protein bars
  • Cheese Whiz
  • Peanut Butter
Starting out I will be doing about 10 miles per day and over the course of a few months should work may way up to an average of 25. I do want to eat healthy, and will try; but will need the calories I can fit into my cart. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Just 7 more days

Time is going by pretty quick now, and I'm thankful that all the stuff I bought on amazon has already gotten here (minus my sleeping mat). I have been walking 5-7 miles every other day to build up the callouses on my feet, and hopefully that will help with the beginning weeks of my walk across America. Definitely looking forward to them Chacos though, the Walmart sandals I bought are already shredding on the bottoms.

Received the solar charger today, but didn't have a chance to test it out. Reviews on amazon rated it highly and I like the idea of never having to sit next to an outlet at Mickey Dees while waiting for my phone to charge.

They umbrella I bought has been very useful in keeping the sun off my back, but I really need to find a way to affix it to cart. Though it has always been my dream to look like a Tamale vendor in Juarez, I don't really like the idea of having to hold it while I'm pushing the cart.

Tomorrow I plan on taking some picks of my gear, so that you as mission control will know how prepared I am for the journey, and maybe a video depending on the quality of my phone.

Its weird. Though I always thought that walking across america was a really cool adventure, I never really thought about how other people saw it. Many of my ideas for adventure in the past have been met with skepticism and cries of woe. So I'm a little taken aback at all the sincere support I've been receiving about my walk. Its just really nice. Thanks!

And Theresa, thanks again for the donation to my burrito fund! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2015


I hadn't really planned on my walk across America nor this blog being something that anyone would really care about; as I am doing it for me; and this blog, so that if I'm abducted by aliens that you will know roundabouts where to find the crop circles.
Though there are several reasons for walking across America, my main reason is to find my happy place. So in its essence this is a spiritual journey for me rather than making it from one place to the next.
So far my thoughts have been very focused on my gear and how out of shape I am, but I expect that I will be waxing philosophical and poetic as I progress on the walk.
I will however be doing a video about the gear Im taking, so that similarly to NASA mission control, if I am in the middle of nowhere and need to open a can of beans, and my can opener is MIA, you guys can walk me through jerry-rigging one using the supplies I have with me.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Today I made the decision to spend more money now for the things I need versus having more disposable cash on the walk. I really like being off grid as possible and though Im reliant on society for food and water, I want everything else taken care of, for the most part. So I ordered a solar powered charger for my phone, and devices. This means I wont have to wait a few hours everyday charging my phone at Mickey Dees, and allows me a little more freedom.

I tried using the sock liners I got today, and got somewhat mixed results. A sock liner, for those who dont know (and because everyone is so interested in my feet and how I treat them), is a thin non-absorbent sock that you wear under regular socks that absorb the friction that your skin would normally get from the outer sock. I wore my sketchers boots and some thicker socks with them and that created a tight fit. Up till mile 3, life was good. But after that the outer socks, that were some wool poly blend, I started to feel the abrasiveness of the socks on the pads of my feet. Oh and as they were boots, they were heavy and very hot.
My wonderful sister and her husband did me a solid and are hooking me up with some Chacos. For those of you not in the know, Chacos are frozen chocolate treats in the shape of a taco; But may also be a very comfortable sandle that I have been told in confidence, will be what I need to cure the ills of my feet. I sincerely hope so. Thanks again T & D!

Ive been thinking about my route and any special places I should go. I plan on going through Pensacola and then through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana; and I know I want to go through northern Texas on route to New Mexico and then northern Arizona. I have already traveled across the US and only have a few must sees on my list. I know I want to see Lake Powell Utah and Bryce Canyon National Park, but thats all I have right now. If you know of any cheap/free place I should go, please let me know.

Lake Powell
Bryce Canyon

Friday, March 6, 2015

Some things

I got the doggyhut cart yesterday, and it is a mammoth! I am able to fit two Rubbermaid tubs into it comfortably, and still have room for extras. Im going to head out today or tomorrow and pickup some solid rubber inner tubes so I dont have to worry about flats, and I plan on getting some bolts that are better made. I am very happy with the solidity of it though.

I walked 5.6 miles yesterday and came to the realization that my feet are just going to need to toughen up and blisters for now, are par for the course. I am not in any hurry once my walk across America starts, and if I can average 10 miles a day for the first few weeks, I consider that to be a good pace with my virgin feet.

I got my tent as well, and its cheap. But if it keeps the bugs out, I will be happy with it. I can always tarp the top to keep out the rain.

My last concern for the day is power for my equipment. Sure, I can plugin at McDonald's and whatnot, but I prefer something more reliable. My solar hand-crank radio turned out to not work at all, so I hope I can find a solar charger or maybe just a battery backup. If i could find a way to rig a hand crank to the wheel of my cart I would be set, but no luck so far.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I do have some concerns about my walk across America, but they are mostly comfort related. When I was a younger man, I hitched across eastern Texas, and at other times I have lived out of my car. So I do have a sense of what to expect. But my hope is to do the walk with an adventuresome spirit and not like some travelling homeless guy. My concerns are with...

  • Cleanliness: I would consider myself somewhat fastidious and like to keep reasonably clean. I have taken a shower everyday for most of my life, and on the walk that's not really going to be an option. I figure there will be lakes, streams, and a friendly neighborhood garden hose now and again, but nothing I can count on. I did get a collapsible bucket and I have some antibacterial wipes. I think my best chance to get clean daily is to use the wipes when I bunk down at night. 
  • Bugs: Skeeters and their ilk are a big concern. Skeeters like me alot and I dont want to blow my budget on bug spray. I have used Bounce dryer sheets before, and they work okay. I know my clothing choices will play a big part, making sure all my skin is covered. But with the sun and heat I need to find a happier compromise. 
  • Stealth Camping: Not finding a good place to bunk down by nightfall worries me. I know I will find something, but not to keen on hunkering down without using my tent. 
  • Foot care: I know my feet arent really up to speed like they should be. I have led a very sedentary lifestyle for several years, and my feet are soft. Also, I hadnt realized how uncomfortable most shoes I have owned really are until I envisioned having to walk 10 plus miles every day. The sandals I bough the other day are okay. I like that they let me feet breathe, but the heel strap feels like it might cause problems. I have some comfy sneakers, but they dont really have the kind of bounce I like. Thinking about (god forbid) Crocs. I have never worn them and generally consider them for those preppy granola's who voted for Obama. But if they might provide some good relief on the walk, I will consider them.
  • Safety: I'm tall and have sort of a stark Nordic kind of demeanor.So Im not super worried about human threats overall. Also, I trust my instincts, so tend to avoid confrontations. Im more worried about wild animals. I didnt realize it until I did some research, but black bears seem to be all over Florida. Add to that snakes, gators, and mean dogs; and I start to feel a little uncomfortable. I have a knife, and ordered some bear spray and that eases my mind a bit. I would like a nice solid walking stick too. Hopefully i can find one at the start of my walk.

Start Date

Now that I have confirmation as to when the stuff I ordered online will arrive, I can start planning my ex-filtration. Initially I was planning on leaving on the 13th, but as its Friday the 13th, I decided that might be a bad portent on which to start my trip. So I am planning on leaving Sunday Morning on March 15th. Thats about 11 days away and should allow me plenty of time to get everything done.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cant Sleep

For the first time in a very long time, I'm too excited to sleep. I keep thinking about my walk across America, and a little trepidatious mostly about all the bad stuff that could happen along the way.
Yesterday I did a walk up to Walmart  which is 3.2 miles one way, and was good except for my feet; which gathered some blisters unto themselves. I did buy some new sandals and hoping they will do the trick.
Lots of thinking on everything I need to be done with, what I still need to buy, and what Ive already gotten.
The important thing is that I have something to look forward to.